Removing the Odor from Animal Feces in Your Attic

Having an uninvited animal living in your attic is time-consuming. Even after the animal has been removed, there is the task of removing the feces and repairing the damage that has been done. Just removing the feces from the attic may not be enough to get the smell out of the room. Here are a few natural methods for removing the scent of animal feces from your home.

Baking Soda Method

This is one of the best-known methods for removing odors from your home. It is safe, and you most likely already have it in your home. This method can take a few applications to completely remove some odors.

Start by mixing baking soda with a little amount of water to make a thick paste. It should be able to stick to walls without dripping. Use a cloth to apply a layer of baking soda to the affected areas. Allow the mixture to dry completely, then brush the dry mixture off and vacuum the area. You will need to repeat this process until the scent is completely removed.

Odor Neutralizer Method

This method uses pet odor neutralizers. Pet odor neutralizers can be found at most pet stores, and are used to remove the scent of pet urine from items. You will also need cloths, towels and dish detergent.

Follow the directions on the pet odor neutralizer. You will need to spray or wipe all the areas where there was animal feces. The product may need to sit for a few minutes, so make sure that you are following the neutralizer's instructions. After the pet odor neutralizer is removed, you may want to wash the area with dish detergent and some water to clean any neutralizer and remaining feces up. Make sure to rinse the area with clean water and repeat if the odor remains.

Vinegar Method

Vinegar is a common home remedy for taking care of odors and is the simplest one to use. You just need to wipe the surface with a cloth moistened with vinegar, then allow the vinegar to dry. You can repeat the process as many times as you need to until you get rid of the scent. The vinegar scent can last a few days, but the feces smell will be removed. You can add some essential oils to the vinegar to make it smell better, especially if you do not like the vinegar smell.

Professional Cleaners

If you have tried everything and nothing has worked, you should call professional cleaners. They have specialized products that can remove animal odors from your home. These products are full of harsh chemicals, which is why this should be your last option.

Getting rid of the smell of animal feces can be an overwhelming task. The scent can easily make its way into the walls, floor, and ceiling of the room. This is why you should clean the area as soon as you know it is safe and all the animals have been removed. Many times, multiple treatments may be needed depending on the animal that was in your home.

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