Getting Rid of House Mice

During the winter season, the mice have no choice but to take shelter to our home. They are moving in to escape the unforgiving weather and to stay warm and nice. Though some mice will just choose to stay for a single season, they tend to reproduce fast. According to the study, a pair of mice that invaded your house can easily increase to 100 within just one month. With that scary thought, you are probably thinking of the safest and effective ways to get rid of the mice. You don't want to result in killing them since one dead mouse will release an unbearable stench.

When you feel like the heat of the summer is starting to fade, it is time to take measures that will help you prevent or get rid of the mice infestation.

Proper Prevention

You should consider adding fences or barriers to the possible entrance of the mouse. It might be a tough job, but you need to do it. Once a mouse was able to access your house, getting rid of them can be a struggle. The preferred nesting ground of the mouse would be the attic, wall interiors, storage box, and lofts. Start working in the inside of your house by blocking holes that they can use as an entrance.

Blocking the Holes

You need to block any openings that the mice can use to enter your home. Simple house repairs such as repairing the broken bricks can go a long way. Fix the holes on your skirting boards, floor boards, and outside walls. Remove any materials that the mouse can use to create their nesting ground. Check if your door, especially in your garage, is properly sealed. Remember that the smallest type of mice is only about an inch long which gives them the ability to fit in a hole that is slightly larger than the pencil's eraser.

Choosing Your Blocking Materials

Depending upon the holes, you can use an array of materials to block the holes. For a small opening, you can either use a sponge or a scouring pad. You may also use caulk or plaster to repair the holes. For the bigger holes, you can use wire mesh. If you successfully blocked the holes, the mice trying to access your house will eventually give up.

Using Non-Lethal Trapping Device

The non-lethal mouse traps would be your best solution to catch the mouse. It only requires an attractive food bait to successfully capture the mice. Traps can be effective especially when you use it when the mouse infestation is not that severe. There are different types of trapping device. Be sure to choose a trap that fits your situation. Trapping device will allow you to capture and then release the mouse without even touching them.

Getting rid of the mouse without killing them will ease our conscience. In addition, it will also not result to messy and smelly situation.

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